Resources: GoTandem

In their own words:
Why goTandem?
If spiritual discovery is a journey, then goTandem is the pack of tools you’ll need for the trip. We’ll equip you with everything you need to be the person you want to be, and we’ll do it every day.
With goTandem you’ll get an absolutely personalized experience that will meet you where you’re at with what you need to get you the life you desire. We’ll be alongside you, delivering thoughts from the Bible to you throughout your entire day to help remind you of spiritual truth, encourage you to live richly and fully, and motivate you to strive for the life Jesus offers. Basically, we just love the idea of people becoming more like Jesus and want to supply as many people as we can with what they need to do just that.
The life the Bible talks about is possible. The person you want to be is attainable. The journey you want to take is waiting. And you don’t have to do any of it alone. You can goTandem.
I have been receiving bible verses from goTandem for quite a while now. I sometimes really chew on the stuff they send for long periods of time, and sometimes God sends the right message at the right time to really teach me about a situation that I am in currently and it’s put to use right away.
For anyone who wants to read their bible, or chew on bible verses that relate to things they struggle with everyday, goTandem is the perfect way to do this. Especially for those leaders that are busy busy busy. So, if you need a little more scripture in our lives, which I am sure we all do! go over to goTandem today and sign-up!
*Note that I am in no way affiliated with goTandem
(although that would be awesome!)
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