My Missions Trip Letter (Part 3): Your Support

I AM asking for your support!
This can only be done with your help!
There is no doubt that I am in need of your support for this trip. That support comes first and foremost in the form of PRAYER. Without prayer, all work will be in vain.
Second, I am also asking for your help financially. Crowd funding has become the best way to support the people we love that are making a difference in this world. And this is no different. I need your help to go on this trip!
The Costs
Food, accommodation, and transport = KRW 1,700,000 trip (app.$1,600)
I’m look for support to help my family during this unpaid vacation time = W700,000 ($600)
In TOTAL = KRW 2,400,000 (Approximately USD $2300).
Those wanting to support me can EMAIL me at
ALSO, for those of you who are receiving something back from this deal, I have a new website that will be my hub for all information leading up to the trip (how much I’ve raised, what my week to week preparations are like), updates and information during and about the actual trip, and possibly some other goodies to be mentioned later!!!
Any money received OVER those cost will go to my team, and any support we provide to those organizations in Cambodia that we are partnering with.
Your support through finances and prayer will greatly aid me to continue the work I do. I hope you will take the time to consider helping me out as well as the team I am on. All finances are due Friday 26th of July, 2013.
*I prefer funds to be sent directly to my Korean account just so that I can pay things here. **Please email me for other options.
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